Branches and offices

NaBranch namePhysical AddressOffice Secretary

Lumumba P/School Mnazi mmojaLumumba/Aggrey streetsVictoria Mwela

Samora (Kelvin House)Samora street Opposite to SAPNA Kuluthum Rashid

Ferry KigamboniOpposite to K.K.K.T churchZelda Lucas

BananaOpposite to Civil AviationClemensia

GongolambotoGongolamboto Kituo kipyaAsia Athumani

Kinondoni Morocco Opposite Mwendokasi BridgeJaneth Kiswaga

Tandamti KariakooTandamti/Lumumba/LivingstoneAdelina Kayombo

Magomeni UsalamaClose to TLP BuildingElionora Sogomba

Kigamboni MaweniMaweni KijalubaRehema Sikitu

Samora BHolland HouseGeorgina Mwatatu

Buguruni SokoniHekima P/SchoolStella Joseph

Kinondoni Morocco BDaraja la MwendokaziMishelly Hiza

Experienced staff

New Vision VTC Driving School has a very strong Staff with about 18-years of experience.

Training timings

The only Difference we have from others is that we have a flexible training which covers all your time problems, that means you need only a practical time of 30minutes or 60minutes per day from 6:30AM to 05:30PM without missing at your work station. For those having no time during working days can join us on Saturday and Sunday training taking a total of 8 days and one hour practical time per day. 

Training styles

Our training programs are classified into different styles as follows:-

  1. Student can choose to drive for one week, two weeks or one week depending on his/her time managements
  2. Student can choose to drive either manual car, automatic car or both manual and automatic in the same course
  3. Student can choose to drive during working days or weekend only
  4. Student can choose to drive car in mobile class style “in this style our instructor will have to follow the student to his/her working/home place for training and after the training is completed the student will be left at his/her home/working place
  5. International students can choose to drive privately without coming to our centers, their application will be online and the nature of training becomes mobile classes.
  6. Practical time is either 30minutes or 60minutes depending on the course you have chosen 

Theory class

Every Saturday we have a very competitive theory class whereby students are being taught all techniques that will help them reducing all accidents caused by un skilled drivers or other road users


New Vision VTC Driving School has two good booklets carrying all the materials needed to help you becoming a competent international driver known as:-

  1. KEKABATA-Kampeni ya \Elimu ya \Kupunguza Ajali za Barabarani Tanzania
  2. Kanuni na Misingi ya Kuendesha Gari
  3. You can get all of them for only Tshs 10,000/= only


Every student will be awarded with him/her the certificate of competence after passing all class tests and exams